Wednesday, August 5, 2020

We have moved.

Good morning from Poulsbo.  
      Our family no longer lives in Bremerton, WA but have moved to a house in Poulsbo, WA.  We traded our water view (Oyster Bay) for a pond in our backyard (Kevo's Pond).  We are still with the same quarantine pod of four adults, two kids and a dog.  Still missing the doctor though!  

     In future posts I will start on the details of an idea I have been thinking about for the past two weeks. 

                                  Jennifer Liang

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Quarantine? What quarantine?

Good morning!

     Here are a few things my children have been doing during this three and a half week not going out of the house except for walks around the neighborhood in nice weather.

1) Watching Veggie Tales (and Larry Boy cartoons) and Mary Poppins Returns among other choices of DVDs we borrowed from the library and don't have to return until the library opens again.

2) Homeschooling using the Internet.

3) Playing with puppets their great-grandmother made in the 1940's.  Their grandmother read the classic stories the puppets represent on her iPhone.

4) Having Dr. Suess books read to them before bed and either my cousin reading it backwards or making up silly names for all the characters.

5) Playing games like Uno, Rummikub, or Spot It, Monopoly Deal, Monopoly Cheaters Edition, or Chess among other games.

6) Walking the dog, Horatio.

7) Helping with baking and cooking and enjoying the things baked (and decorated a carrot cake made for no particular reason).

8) Playing with LEGOs and other toys.

9) Playing the Xbox with my cousin (Lego City Undercover is the most popular).

10) We made a train with boxes for transporting toys around the house.

11) Reading the books we borrowed from the library and other older books we have at my grandmother's home.

12) A large puzzle.

              Only a partial list for now.  We are doing well here with six of us in my grandmother's home.  Just missing one important person we don't know when we will see again.


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Not Quite The Start To 2020 We All Expected But We Are Blessed.

Good evening from a place not so far from Seattle.
       Yes, my two children and I are in the US during all this craziness going around the world.  Today we received news that we will not be able to return to China (Guangzhou) even if we wanted!  Our visas are no longer valid.  I don't know if that means they are not valid for now or if we have to get new ones before returning.  We even had more than a year left!
       Our 2020 journey did start in Guangzhou and grew crazy just before the Chinese New Year.  Of course, my dad was about four months into his cancer journey and that is what brought us to the US at this time.  My husband is still working in Guangzhou at his hospital so I guess we will be a two continent family for awhile.
        Tired for tonight from a long day of homeschooling and entertaining our one visitor in three weeks.  I will post more about our journey in the near future.

       So much has happened since my last post and some of that is so unbelievable I can hardly imagine that it is true but it is.

                                                        Good night and God Bless,
                                                    Jennifer Liang